Monthly Archives: July 2015

Creating Wealth Online with the ShoeMoney Network


I have been dabbling in Online Money Making Ventures for over 10 years and the ShoeMoney Network by far is the most legit one I have come across.  Jeremy Schoemaker is one down to earth, legitimate and honest Millionaire and I am extremely impressed with his site, training and most importantly his business model.  His claim about you “learning about making money online for free and getting paid while you do it” is completely factual.  After joining for free and completing the first task which was as easy as putting on my socks I received a Paypal notification that I had been paid $1.  Doesn’t seem like a lot but in no time the dollar payments kept adding up and while the dollars were adding up I was learning key tasks to build my own successful online business.

Check out the screen shot below, easiest money I have ever made!!


By watching Jeremy’s do it yourself videos, in no time you will have an impressive blog with all the key plugins, A decked out Facebook page and a email newsletter.  The best part about all of this is not only are you getting paid along the way, you are also learning how to duplicate this process over and over again.

My philosophy has never changed over the past 10 years, why waste all your time on the computer surfing the web, playing games or looking at dirty websites when there is a pile of money waiting to be earned by utilizing the tools and resources provided to you.  The ShoeMoney Network provides you all those tools and resources and goes above and beyond to explain how the process works, all for FREE.

Again I never paid him $1.  I kept waiting to see the trick but there truly is none.

If you seem skeptical give it a try it and when you make your first dollar in five minutes you will be as hooked as me.   I just want to say thank you Jeremy.  Click here to register.